Brea Davenport

Money Manifestation and Business

I help women revolutionize their relationship with money and open up mind + body + soul to expansion in business and beyond.

💻 Your Company: Your Coach Brea

🗺️ Current Geographical Adventure: Pacific North West

🧁 Snack hidden in the frozen peas: Thin Mint Pretzels

🤔 Random fact: I’m The Oldest of 3 Sisters

😉 Guilty Pleasure: Kpop.

🎙️ Favorite Quote: “I never lose. I either win or I learn.” – Nelson Mandela and “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself, just as I am, then I can change” – Carl Rodgers

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Let me introduce you!

Meet Brea

Brea Davenport is a life coach that transforms your reality with money beyond mindset. She takes powerful, complex scientific, somatic and spiritual concepts and breaks them down into flexible, simple-to-integrate steps for you to change your relationship with money in your mind, body and soul. She applies her trauma informed coaching education, experience being a peer mentor for Kathrin Zenkina’s Manifestation Babe Academy, hundreds of hours testing and learning from like all the big manifestation courses and experience navigating and mentoring colleagues in the Wild West known as corporate America at big brands Disney, Google and Amazon to deliver powerful and personalized guidance to women from all backgrounds.

Your Coach Brea

Money Manifestation and Business

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